Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Weekly Hi

Hi All

Just wanted to let you know I'm still working happily away on LAST CHANCE. I'm really loving McKenna and Lucas. They're two of the most unique characters I've ever created. And on April 27, 2010, I sincerely hope you love them just as much!

Copy edits for SECOND CHANCE were delivered this morning. So in between writing LAST CHANCE, I'll be working on those. Which means two things. I'm going to be very busy, which you know I love. But also, as soon as the copy edits are complete, I will be posting an excerpt of SECOND CHANCE on my website. Yay! Thanks again for everyone's patience. I can't wait to share it with you, I promise!

Okay, retreating back into my little writing cave. Hope you're having a fabulous week and that your days are filled with sunshine and great books you can curl up with and enjoy.

Till next time!


  1. Hi Christy
    That's the only thing keeping me sane waiting for your books. I have a huge pile of TBRs with more releases due this week. Hopefully you'll have some excerpts ready for I start rereading yours.LOL

  2. Thanks, Mary. And there are some great releases out there and more coming soon. My TBR pile is taller than my house now. I'm really looking forward to attacking it once my books are done.

    Thanks so much for looking forward to mine. You're such a sweetheart!
