Wednesday, May 25, 2011

RUN TO ME Winners!

Thanks to all of you who came by to chat about RUN TO ME yesterday. Sorry about the Blogger problems, but so glad to know that there's still lots of love for Ethan and Shea!

Here's the trivia contest with the answers. Everyone did a great job but that last question stumped a lot of people. There were only two who answered it correctly.

1) What kind of gun did Rosemount have hidden under his bed?
Colt .357 Magnum

2) What was Rosemount's nickname for Shea?
Kitten (gatita)

3) Rosemount had Cole beaten because he refused to do something. What did he refuse to do?
Refused to kill Jolene (snap her neck)

4) What is Ethan Bishop's real name? (the entire name)
Ethan Andrew Maurice Standifer

5) What did Shea name Ethan's cat?

6) What was Cole's first wife's name?

7) How did Ethan find out Cole was still alive?
Rosemount sent him a photo on his cellphone

Congrats to Crystal for being the first one to send all the correct answers! She's the winner of an Amazon gift card and two signed LCR books of her choice.

Also, using, the chosen winner from yesterday's blog comments is Kris! Congrats, Kris! You're the winner of a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card!

Ladies, please email me at so I can get your prizes to you.

Thanks again to all who commented. Remember next month, June 21, we'll continue our countdown to the release of SWEET JUSTICE with a discussion of NO CHANCE! Enjoy the reread or the first read of Gabe and Skylar's book!

Hope everyone has a great rest of the week. See you back here on Monday for Recommend Monday!