Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm Back! Thanks for your patience!

Hi Everyone,

I'm back in the land of reality. I sent in the completed manuscript of SECOND CHANCE at one o'clock this morning. I'm kind of wiped out but oh my, I do love this book! I think I've mentioned how incredibly emotional this was for me to write and it only got more so. Release date for SECOND CHANCE is March 23, 2010.

I'm quite torn on how to talk about the characters in SECOND CHANCE. If you've read RUN TO ME, then you know who they are. If you haven't, then I hate to give out a major spoiler. So I guess I'll wait until it's time to put up an excerpt of SECOND CHANCE. If you want to verify who the hero of SECOND CHANCE is, feel free to email me at

Speaking of excerpts, I'm preparing one now for NO CHANCE. This is Gabe Maddox and Skylar James' book. Her name was Skylar McKenzie, but I discovered that I have an odd fondness for last names that begin with M. It was getting confusing, so we changed it to James.

I hope to have an excerpt of NO CHANCE up by this weekend or early next week. Also, I'll be blogging several places over the next few weeks. I'll post a list in a few days.

I hope you're getting excited about the new Last Chance Rescue trilogy. I know I am! So far, several of the characters from the first books have made appearances in the new ones. I love revisiting characters from previous books I've enjoyed. I hope you feel the same.

Now, it's on to work on LAST CHANCE. This is McKenna Sloane and Lucas Kane's book. And wow, are these characters intriguing. I think McKenna is like a female version of Noah McCall. And Lucas Kane, my first British hero, is oh so sexy. Can't wait for you to meet them!

To regular readers of this blog, thanks so much for your patience. I'll try to update you more often, but LAST CHANCE is due October 1, so I'm going to be writing away on it and might not check in as often as I'd like. However, you can always email me at

And a special thank you to those of you who have emailed me about my first trilogy and asking about the next one. I so appreciate your interest and support!

Until next time, stay cool and read some great books!


  1. Christy,
    I cannot wait for the new trilogy. As good as the first three books were, these next three sound even better! I just re-read Run to Me because, well, my friend has yet to return the first two. lol!
    I am going to try and not email you about the hero of Second Chance, but patience is not my strong suit!
    With schools here starting next week, I am sure I will be more than busy enough in the next few months to help cut down on the anticipation of the next release. That being said, I know I'll be in the bookstore the first day it's out.
    Hope you get some down time soon to enjoy your success. Looking forward (of course) to the excerpt.

  2. Kara, feel free to email me. You know I love to hear from you.

    If you've read RUN TO ME twice and you know that Gabe's story is NO CHANCE, then you'll definitely be able to figure out who the hero of SECOND CHANCE is.

    LOL. Thanks for reading it twice. Several people have told me they've read it more than once.

    Thanks so much for looking forward to the next trilogy. I'm getting excited about it too!

    Great to hear from you, Kara.

  3. Well, duh...
    After your message I sat down and thought about it a minute. Even got my copy of Run to Me out.
    Guess it's just proof that the back to school schedule is melting my brain even faster than feared. And to think the kids don't actually start for another week!
    Only problem now is that I'm more anxious than ever to read all three new books!

  4. Yeah like I don't have a big enough TBR pile without wanting to read your books again LOL. Your books are addictive & should come with a warning!! I am looking forward to the next ones. The excerpts are going to be just one big foreplay - I mean tease, but I'll take what I can get. ((hugs))

  5. Oh, Mary, you are too funny!

    Hugs, back!
