Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Midweek Update

Hi Everyone, just wanted to give you a quick update of happenings. I'm in the midst of revisions for SECOND CHANCE. I'm thrilled that my editor loved the story. She did want some additional scenes, so I'm working on those right now. The more I work on this book, the more I love these characters. And believe it or not, these may be my most tortured characters yet. Imagine that!

Once I'm through with revisions, it's back to work on LAST CHANCE and wow, gotta say I'm loving my hero and heroine. McKenna is so tough and vulnerable and Lucas Kane is one of the coolest heros I've ever written. I can't wait for you to meet him!

Thanks to those who came by the Romance University Blog and read my interview. I really enjoyed chatting with folks over there. It's a great place to visit, so I hope you'll frequent the site as much as you can.

I'm considering making more changes to my website and thought it'd be great to get input from you, the reader. Any suggestions for changes or additions? I know you want more excerpts and I promise they're coming as soon as I can get them up. But is there anything else I can add that would be helpful for you? You can post your comment here or email me at Would love to hear from you.

Gotta get back to those revisions. Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday!


  1. Contests are fun. Contests that I win are even better!
    Hope your revisions are going well.
    I've revised my class schedule three times in the last three days. That's all the revision I can handle!

  2. Great idea, Kara! Maybe I can start doing a contest the first of each month. I can Tweet it and put it on Facebook. Maybe that'll bring more people to my site.

    Thanks so much for the suggestion!

    Revisions are good. Hope to be through by this time next week so I can get back to LAST CHANCE.

    Good luck on your class schedule revisions!

  3. More excerpts would be good (no pressure though LOL). I don't have an artistic eye so I can't help there.You included links etc. Honestly, maybe I'm boring but you don't need a gimmick. I've been on sites that are too busy & you forget what you were looking up. All my fave author have beautiful simple sites with good content. hope that helps.

  4. Hi Mary, thanks for the input! I'm not much on gimmicks, mostly because it's hard to keep up with them. I'd rather be writing.

    I just thought if there were other things, besides excerpts...I promise, they're coming...I could add that would be interesting or helpful, you guys could let me know.

    Okay, on to revisions. Thanks so much for stopping by!
