Thursday, March 24, 2011

SWEET JUSTICE Excerpt (Facebook)

Just posted a short SWEET JUSTICE excerpt on my Facebook page. Check it out!

Longer excerpt coming to website soon!


  1. Wow Christy,
    I just saw your post about the excerpt of Sweet Justice and immidiately checked it out (although I am supposed to work right now). I guess it is the first chapter and after following your blogg I know how important first lines are. This one is fantastic - ( in german " der absolute Oberhammer" - sorry I can´t translate that but I will ask my English teacher for a translation) . I hope there will be a longer excerpt soon - I can´t wait for the real thing - it is sooo long till August .
    Thanks for sharing that bit with us.

  2. Yay, Elke! I'm so glad you liked it!

    Yes, this is the very beginning. More coming soon!

  3. So, so, SO good, Christy! I cannot wait to read the whole thing.

  4. It's a real teaser!!!! Sounds like it's going to be a fantastic read and I am so ready for August and SWEET JUSTICE!!!

  5. Thank you, Kara! Glad you liked it! Can't wait to share more. (:

  6. Yay, Anne! Glad you liked it. August will be here before we know it!
